No spectators allowed at winter sports contests

Jackson Queen

Tallmadge Athletic Director Tim Mosher sent out a robo-call Nov. 20 regarding a change in the spectator rules for the winter sports season. Starting on Nov. 20 and going through Dec. 16, no spectators will be allowed to any Tallmadge home games. This decision will be re-evaluated as the sports season approaches Dec. 16. Mosher said that any new decision will be “informed by current and future public health orders and advisories.” 

In a letter sent to Winter Athletes and their parents, Tallmadge’s administrative team explained that the ban on spectators “that (the ban) gives our athletes the best chance to compete in their seasons while also allowing (the community) to do our part to help curb the spread of COVID-19.”

All Tallmadge home games, including: basketball, wrestling and swim contests, will be broadcasted live through the “Tallmadge Schools Broadcast” Youtube channel.

The channel is linked here:

For more information regarding the spectator ban, please refer to the Tallmadge Athletics website linked here: