Safety remains top priority for schools

Molly Conley, Staff Writer

Campus safety is crucial, especially here in America. Safety of students, staff and other faculty is something that school districts and colleges have been taking more seriously over the past few years. And after a recent shooting near the University of Akron’s campus, the safety at school should be brought up again. 

Local colleges like Kent State University and the University of Akron take many precautions when it comes to the safety of their campus and the area surrounding it. Both campuses have police patrolling the area around the clock. This ensures the safety of the students and staff on the campus. 

Safety at high schools is essential. At Tallmadge High School, student safety is taken very seriously. When students are inside the building all doors are locked. Guests must buzz into the building and provide information in a Kiosk system through the office. 

“Safety is our number one priority here at THS,” Principal Mike Householder said. 

Micheal Dornack is the Recourse Officer at the high school and is located in the building each day. Dornack walks the halls, watches the parking lot, and helps to ensure safety throughout the building. Dornack also speaks in criminal justice classes and other classes during the year. 

“We have Run, Hide, Fight training through our police department and drills during the course of the year,” Householder said.  The staff is scheduled to have training Sept. 29 during a staff meeting. 

The Run, Hide, Fight drill is used in schools all over the country. In this drill, there is an order of what someone should do if an active shooter were to be in the building. Option one is to “Run”, if there is a clear path available, move quickly in that direction until you are far away. Option two is to “Hide”, if you are unable to exit safely, find a place to hide from the shooter. Option three is to “Fight”, if it comes down to it fight the armed person. 

Householder said, “If there were to be a shooter in the building, the procedures go into effect.”