Maddie Lancaster on painting (Features on Artists)

January 27, 2022
Senior Madison (Maddie) Lancaster is an artist like many others in Tallmadge High School and plans to pursue a career out of her artistry. Lancaster is a painter and is considering majoring in painting when she gets into a college. She has looked at the Art School of Cincinnati and SCAD (The University for Creative Careers).
“I honestly don’t remember what got me into [painting]. It’s just something that I’ve been doing for more than a decade now,” Lancaster said.
Lancaster has worked on more than 30 paintings with her central interests in art being ceramics, design and printmaking. Her favorite things about painting are the technique, the process and the outcome.
“There’s multiple pieces I’ve created that I don’t like but learned something from them,” Lancaster said.
Regarding the classes she has taken, Lancaster has taken Basic Art, Studio Art, Honors Studio Art, and AP Studio Art, giving her more experience in artistry.
“I have learned to paint the background first before the main pieces, and to be true to myself and my ideas,” Lancaster said.
Criticism is a big part of outside reception when it comes to art, and Lancaster has some views of her own on how to take criticism when given it.
Lancaster said, “It depends if the criticism helps me or not. If the criticism helps me, it’s useful but if someone is just saying something to say something, I don’t need it.”