The Workload Put On Teachers Versus The Money They Make

Michaela Bradshaw, Staff Writer

Math Teacher Celia Bowser talks about her experience as a school staff member and what could be different. 


“We are paid a salary, but there is so much work outside of the classroom that we should be compensated for,” Bowser said.


The amount of work, mental strain, and degree required to do everything that she does is incomparable with the amount that they’re paid.


“Depending on if I am prepared for the day, I may have to get to work early to make copies, and/or get activities ready. When school starts, we are constantly walking around, checking work, reteaching work, and trying to be patient with student behavior. Many times during our prep period we have meetings. After school, I meet with my co-teacher Darcy DelSonno to make plans for the next day and week, then I will either stay at school to finish for the next day or complete work and/or grading at home for the next day,” Bowser said.


The workload put on teachers is a lot. Teachers are expected to be psychologists, aids, and tutors to students. 


Bowser said, “If we had more people to fill those roles, then the workload given to teachers would become less. On average, I spend between 2-6 hours outside of school completing school related tasks, whether it be, grading, creating lesson plans, planning, and more.”