Juniors in the 2023-2024 school year were required to take the State-Mandated, State-funded ACT or SAT Test which measures performs in several different educational areas. This changes in the 2024-2025 school year.
“I don’t think every student needs to take the ACT.” Math ACT Mentor Mark Swindell said.
The Governor signed Ohio House Bill 82 on July 1, 2021. Now, for incoming Juniors and every year beyond, the ACT is not a state-required standardized test. A parent or guardian can exercise the option to have their student not take the ACT or SAT.
“I would take it, but it should be optional. I’m taking it because I want to get the best score possible to get the best scholarship possible.” Sophomore Ian Bee said.
The ACT or SAT will still be funded by the State of Ohio and will be available at no cost to families. The test will also be taken by every Junior, unless the parent or guardian decides otherwise and notifies the school that they wish for their child to not take the ACT or SAT.
“I would also think that those that are on the fence or don’t have the money to go to college, if they take it seriously then they could get scholarships.” English and Reading ACT Mentor David Hungerford said.