Bowling team makes donation to Haven of Rest


Keira Leitner, Staff Writer

Tallmadge High School’s Bowling team has been spending a couple days volunteering over the years but due to the pandemic they have been unable to volunteer in-person this year. They used to do different tasks to help, like folding bedsheets and pillowcases, making beds or helping with food and clothes at areas places.  

But this year they decided they want to do anything to help even if they could  not come in and volunteer. The bowling team donated $500 in donations to the Haven of Rest. 

“They have had to cancel several food drives so fruits & vegetables were of particular need. We had our own mini food drive and were able to generate some good donations,” Coach Scott Krainess said.

The pandemic has made it very hard for a lot of donation services because a lot of them can not volunteer and be in risk of spreading the virus. 

Overall [we’re] very happy with what we were able to accomplish,” Krainess said.